
Tmux Script to Create New Post Environment

In the article describing Tmux, as an example I have shown the script that creates an environment for writing content for my Hugo website. However, this script is not very convenient if I need to start writing a new blog post (the action that I do most often): I have to create an environment, then I must create new directory for a post, copy there a template and modify the parameters in the preamble (at least, I have to add the date and the title). Therefore, in order to facilitate this process I have developed a new script used to create an environment for writing new blog posts. In this article, I share this script and explain how it works so that you can adapt my experience in your setup.

VSCode Snippets to Speed Up Time/Task Management Files Creation

In the series of articles on my time/task management approach, one article is dedicated to the tool set (VSCode + OrgMode) I use to track my tasks and performance. Since then, a number of people has asked me to share the templates of the week, month and year files what I did after the first request. However, recently I have discovered an approach that allows me to speed up the creation of the year, month and week files. In this article, I share the details of this improvement.