The last several years Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is my favorite text editor. Thanks to the amazing “LaTeX Workshop” plugin, I started using it as a LaTeX editor to write my research papers, and eventually I moved most of my everyday routines there. Currently, I use it for Python and Rust (I’ve just started) development, web development. Even this post I write in this editor due to its great support of markdown language.
The opportunity to use one editor for so many different tasks is made possible by its great plugin subsystem and all those people, who have been spending hours and hours (thank you!!!) to develop wonderful extensions. With the lapse of time, your Extensions side bar tab will be populated with tens of different extensions, which are quite difficult to remember all. In this post, I will explain how to manage extensions, in particular, how to list all installed extensions, download them for offline use, and install them.
The code snippets are also available in the GitHub repository.