Although many researchers now prefer to write their papers using various SaaS solutions, such as Overleaf, I still promote an old-style way when everything is installed on your computer. Of course, this approach has some pros and cons. However, in this article, I am not going to discuss them and will concentrate instead on the topic of how to configure forward and inverse search. In particular, I will show how to do this for my setup with LaTeX Workshop, a VS Code extension facilitating text writing in TeX, and Okular, a PDF viewer available for Linux and Windows platforms.
Rust has been recently named as the most loved language on Stackoverflow one more time. Currently it is not widely used in professional development, therefore developers often develop small programs to try it out. One obvious choice for these programs are different command line utilities, thus the number of such tools developed in Rust constantly grows. On, there is even a separate category devoted to these programs. Therefore, I have decided to write an article about the utilities I find useful in order to have their list in one place. I plan to update this article as I try more utils.
In the article describing Tmux, as an example I have shown the script that creates an environment for writing content for my Hugo website. However, this script is not very convenient if I need to start writing a new blog post (the action that I do most often): I have to create an environment, then I must create new directory for a post, copy there a template and modify the parameters in the preamble (at least, I have to add the date and the title). Therefore, in order to facilitate this process I have developed a new script used to create an environment for writing new blog posts. In this article, I share this script and explain how it works so that you can adapt my experience in your setup.
The last several years Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is my favorite text editor. Thanks to the amazing “LaTeX Workshop” plugin, I started using it as a LaTeX editor to write my research papers, and eventually I moved most of my everyday routines there. Currently, I use it for Python and Rust (I’ve just started) development, web development. Even this post I write in this editor due to its great support of markdown language.
The opportunity to use one editor for so many different tasks is made possible by its great plugin subsystem and all those people, who have been spending hours and hours (thank you!!!) to develop wonderful extensions. With the lapse of time, your Extensions side bar tab will be populated with tens of different extensions, which are quite difficult to remember all. In this post, I will explain how to manage extensions, in particular, how to list all installed extensions, download them for offline use, and install them.
The code snippets are also available in the GitHub repository.